What Goes On During a Mold Inspection?

If you suspect you might have mold in your home or office, you want to get a mold inspection done as soon as possible. The fact is, mold seldom goes away on its own, and it’s much more likely that it will just spread and release more mycotoxins into the air.

You’re probably curious as to what will go on when our certified mold inspector shows up. Let’s take a look at the most basic mold inspections and what goes on.

Why People Call Us

Let’s start with why people call us in the first place. In most instances it’s because there is a health problem that can’t quite be identified. Black mold is often the culprit, as it produces spores of mycotoxins that people are allergic to to varying degrees.

When a person is in a car, outside, or a different building and shows no signs of an allergic reaction, they often get suspicious of the building that makes them feel sick. Symptoms of an allergy to black mold include runny nose, sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and breathing problems.

Visual Inspections

The certified mold inspector will perform a thorough visual inspection of the property, looking for signs of mold. The most common place to find signs of water — past or present — is in kitchens, bathrooms, water heaters, or laundry rooms. Sprinkler systems can also be checked to see if they are spraying directly onto the house and seeping in in some way. Ceilings will also be inspected, as will attics. Water damage can leave a variety of signs on wood and drywall that might not be obvious to the average homeowner; a mold inspector can spot these hidden signs.  

Historical Problems

Mold inspection also involves interviews with those familiar with the history of the building. Certified mold inspectors will discuss any water intrusion that might have occured in the past couple of years, whether that water came in through a window, via the roof, or was the consequence of a leaky pipe. Inspectors will also be curious about the cleanup that occured; was the solution to turn a fan on it to dry it out, or were professionals called in for a more thorough cleanup?

You might want to think about leaks you’ve had in the past even before the mold testing expert shows up. Sometimes there’s a leak that you don’t think about much of at the time, but it could be the one that got the mold started. Walking around your home or office might jog memories of water damage you have already forgotten about.

Mold Testing

While some mold is very obvious when it’s black and clinging to the wall, it might be hidden in places so well that it’s impossible to find without a complete remodel. That’s where mold air testing comes in. A mold specialist can take air samples to find out if there is hidden mold somewhere in the house.

Let’s Get Started!

If you’re having the health problems we mentioned above but just can’t seem to find the source, maybe we can. Contact us for our mold inspection service today!